Wednesday 25 June 2014

Study tips | Part 1

Studying... what a chore! You come home from school, tired and sleep deprived only to have to do homework and study for that history test on Friday. Whose got the time? Looking back to when I was in my final year of high school just last year, I'm not sure how I coped with a heavy workload filled with test after test, and still had time to watch my favourite TV shows and hang out with friends. Now at university, I find it more difficult to find the motivation be able to complete all of the set tasks. Hellooo... motivation... where are you? Probably because after a very laid back 3 and a half month summer holiday after year 12, the demons of laziness took control. I really struggled to get back into a routine. 

As a student who strives to get high marks, and feels guilty for not completing homework, I feel as though I am somewhat qualified to give you guys advice of how to study effectively. Please remember that everyone has a different technique of studying and what is best suited for them. These tips are my way of studying. 

1. Highlight important parts in the textbook as you read the chapters: This will save a lot of time when it comes to exams and writing up summary notes. Instead of wasting time going over the chapters again, you will already have the main points highlighted.

2. Write summary notes: Summarise the important parts of the chapters. There is no use in reading pages and pages of the textbook before a test/exam, as you essentially will not be able to remember all of it. But if you've got a photographic memory, then by all means, be my guest and read the textbook again ha ha! I find it easier to memorise the content if I condense the chapters into handwritten notes with the key components. 
Optional: I also try to memorise the definitions word for word. This may be difficult, but when you have to define something in an exam it will just come to you and you are certain to get full marks. Even in questions where you have to 'discuss' or 'explain' or 'critically evaluate', it is useful to define key terms of the question at the beginning (I will talk about this in part 2 of my study tips). To memorise the definitions, read the definitions a few times. First to yourself, then read out loud. After you've done that multiple times, then look away from the paper and try to recite the definition out loud. If you struggle, then repeat the first steps, until it finally sinks in. 

3. Work in a quiet environment: It is important that you study and do homework in an environment where there are no distractions. You will find it easier to concentrate, trust me!

4. Pretend you are talking to someone else: I have just recently started trying this trick, but you basically pretend you're explaining the information to someone else. I usually talk to myself in my room and pretend there’s an imaginary person that I'm trying to teach the information too ha! By doing this, you essentially are putting the information into your own words, helping you to retain and understand it. If you have a pet, you could teach them, they are great listeners ;)

5. Relate the information to yourself: Try relating the content to your life. 

6. Have a good pen: A good pen that flows and is the right shade of blue/black is essential. Well I think so anyway. There is nothing appealing about a blue that is too light, or starting to run out. Am I right? 

7. Make everything neat: By this I mean, write headings in a different colour pen, draw diagrams in different colours, and dot point information. I like to write headings in red pen, sub headings in black, and the main information in blue pen. It’s very pleasing to the eye this way. Also have an uncluttered workspace.

8. Have breaks: Without breaks, your brain will not be able to rest and you will find it harder to remember the information. I read that its beneficial if you take a 5 to 10 minute break every 30 minutes to an hour or so of studying. 

9. Don't procrastinate: Don't get me wrong, this is easier said than done. I'm one of those people who will procrastinate for 3 hours when the task takes only 10 minutes. Try not to fall into this trap! You will get things done quicker and you'll have guilt-free free time afterwards. 

10. DO NOT LEAVE THINGS TO THE LAST MINUTE: This is written in capitals because this is probably the most important tip I can give you! Do not leave any homework and assignments to the last minute. It is really not fun having to rush things, staying up late in a bid to finish everything when you've known you've had to do this for 3 weeks now. Don't think "ahhh, I've go time, I'll do it tomorrow", because before you know it, you're up at 4am the night before trying to complete an assignment. If you do parts of the task each week leading up to the due date, you will reduce your stress levels, and avoid that dreaded last-minute rush. 

Okey dokey, I think that is all for now. I know this is a boring topic but I feel like I should share some of my secrets! You have to work hard to get that A+, you can't just wake up in the morning and be Einstein. 
